Monday, February 4, 2013

CBR5 #3 Preemie Parents by Tami Gaines

Tami Gaines addresses the emotional aspect of being a preemie parent and delivers a positive message of hope and action. She is truly an authority on this subject as she has lived the experience firsthand. Both her children were preemies (she gave birth to twins after only 25 weeks (her daughter spent 3-1/2 months in the neonatal intensive care unit, her son spent over 18 months). Preemie Parents is an inspiring, personal guide that will help parents of preemies learn valuable lessons in coping and becoming effective advocates for their children.
I found this book looking for a preemies book that would share experiences with raising premature children. At first, I found Tami's story interesting, but as I read more and more of the book I just felt sad for her.  Tami's story is extreme and not like the average preemie story.

This book could be a one part of any education for a new parent of a preemie just starting their NICU journey, but it shouldn't be the only story they read. For me at our stage of our journey, I didn't learn too much that I already knew. Some of her advice would not be realistic for every parent of a preemie. Overall this book didn't satisfy the need I was trying to fulfill.

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